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'A' School Recognition

A Rated School

Borman has been recognized as an 'A' school by the Arizona Department of Education for the 2023-2024 school year!
#TeamTUSD: LaRue Family
Alyssa, Luna and Nick LaRue smile in the hallwayThis year, the LaRues have taken over Borman K-8! Middle school language arts teacher Alyssa LaRue was the first of the family to start at Borman, and is currently in her fourth year teaching at the on-base school. But her husband, fifth grade teacher Nick LaRue, and daughter Luna, a kindergarten student, are both in their first year at Borman. Luna loves having her parents close by and admitted to occasionally bugging them at school. 

“I think it’s done wonders for us in general because it’s fun to see [Luna] throughout the day,” Nick said. “I can always kind of check in on her or I know that she is safe and she is with a fantastic teacher.”